Iron fez began with a guitar and a dream. A dream of having a kick ass ska band. An incomplete dream, riddled with problems, a lack of talent, a lack of musicians with brass instruments, and a general lack of cohesion in any sense of the word. But what does one do with a dream deferred? You let it fester, curl up and die, to paraphrase a famous poet. Poetry isn’t our thing, and neither was ska apparently, because now we play music that can be called a lot of things, but ska is not one of them. The members and their roles are of no importance, we are now a single Voltron-esque musical tour de force, wings spread wide to soar through the skies, crash the gates of the afterlife, and strike the gods in their eardrums to punish them for mankind’s collective suffering.
But anyway, here’s the members and their roles:
Reed Landry – Vocals & Banjo

David Morris – Vocals & Guitar
Lyle Cammon – Drums

Ben Arnold – Bass & Vocals
Kan Munson – Electric Mandolin